Coping with The Emotions of Caregiving

Stay balanced and find joy and meaning in the caregiving experience

  • Have you been stressed, burdened and overwhelmed by the emotional demands of caring for others?
  • Do you feel sadness and loss as you watch your loved one decline?
  • Have you been feeling guilty or powerless for not doing more?


Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to learn how to navigate the emotional rollercoaster of caring for others, overcome guilt and find joy and meaning in your caregiving role in 6 weeks.

Everything changed when my father died, and my mother took charge of her life – and she couldn’t.

I was the only caregiver!

Hi I’m Beverley Glazer,

Like many others, my mother denied having difficulties and insisted on living alone in her 3 story house. She became angry and bitter and no matter how much I suggested the many options that were available to her, she stubbornly refused to change.

I felt powerless! I was worried. I was certain that she would fall, or even worse – that she would die in that house….

My mother was a fighter, and she fought every step of the way. It didn’t make my life easy. But once I helped her to accept what is, and embrace it, she transformed into the gracious woman that I always knew. And I cherish the memories of the very special relationship that we shared in those very precious last years.

Many adults are caregivers. Sometimes we get there gradually, and other times, it’s a shock. But that’s life – there are things we just can’t control.

As a professional in the mental health field, I had the tools, and still it wasn’t easy. But as I was working on myself and the transitions with my mother, I had an epiphany. The very yo-yo of emotions that I was struggling with, was experienced in my clients and my friends.

So, I took them through the steps that I was using to stay balanced and helped them through their journey. And the ‘got it’.

And over 30 years, as a therapist and coach, I’ve applied my techniques to help 1000s of others, to stay grounded and create new possibilities, when they’re challenged by the difficult transitions that are thrown at them by life.



Coping with the Emotions of Caregiving™

Coming to terms with what is and find joy & meaning in the caregiving experience


Your mission, should you choose to accept it is to stay learn how to navigate the emotional rollercoaster of caregiving overcome guilt, and find joy and meaning in the caregiving role in 6 weeks.

You will:

  • Have productive ways to cope with your feelings
  • Discover your strengths and build on them
  • Have the tools to get through difficult times
  • Learn to stay balanced and resilient
  • Be in the driver’s seat of your own life
  • Let go of guilt, fear, and self-doubt

“This program validated who I was and helped me to stop overthinking and resenting my lot in life. I’ve learned to let go of unrealistic expectations and focus on the blessings I have now.” Donna P.

Just think…. In 6 weeks from now, you will be able to overcome the emotional challenges of caregiving, be free of guilt and find balance, and meaning in the caring experience.


And you’ll also have the specific plan to help you set aside your fears and doubts, knowing you have the strength, tools and confidence to move forward and create rewarding possibilities.




Module 1

Revealing Your Strengths


In this module you’ll discover your unique gifts:

  • You will take a deep dive to discover your strengths so you can build on them to help yourself as well as confidence in your caregiving role
  • You will reflect on your values, your joy and your interests so as not to be conflicting in the caregiving task.
  • You will discover a new tool to help you appreciate your strengths, so you can build on them and make better decisions.

Module 2

Harness the Emotional Rollercoaster

In this module, you will control the gremlins in your head

  • You’ll uncover your emotional triggers, so they don’t need to control you
  • You’ll learn to deal with the negative emotions so that you can use them productively
  • You’ll learn to validate and come to terms with your feelings, so that you’ll be able to let resentment go.





Module 3

Understanding ME


This module is all about you – Because no matter how difficult the days can be, you need to take pride in your tasks, and not neglect yourself too. 

  • You will learn what’s necessary to care for your emotional needs
  • You’ll have the language to set boundaries without guilt
  • At the end of this module, you will feel more grounded, assertive confident and happier and you’ll have a new foundation for the way you see yourself and the world.

Module 4

Setting Limits


In this module you’ll learn the easiest ways to set boundaries to take care of yourself, and your needs without guilt

  • You will learn how to balance your energy and your time
  • You will learn about financial boundaries, so that doesn’t keep you up at night.
  • At the end of this module, you’ll feel confident and supported, in having the tools, not only take care of them, but to take care of yourself too.





Module 5

Knowing and Glowing


In this module you will come to terms with what is and feel more grounded.

  • You will learn to acknowledge your feelings and understand them from alternative perspectives
  • You will learn simple mindfulness techniques, so that you can stay centered and have peace and ease
  • At the end of this module, you will let go of ‘wishful thinking’, so anger and resentment won’t weigh you down.

Module 6

Give More; Smile More


In this module you will find joy and meaning in the caregiving role.

  • You will have tips to find gratitude to shift your perspective and improve your overall state of well being
  • You will establish a caregiving routine to help organize your time to prevent burnout
  •  You will develop a caring network, so that you’ll feel supported as you move on.



Coping With the Emotions of Caregiving™ is NOT for you if:

  • If you’re skeptical and believe that nothing will change
  • If you’re still on the fence and not needed to help others yet
  • If you’re being followed by a psychiatrist and on psychiatric medication

Coping With the Emotions of Caregiving™ IS for you if:

  • If you’re feeling drained, stressed, or restentful
  • If you feel guilty and don't want to live with regret
  • If you want to maintain balance and experience the joys of caregiving

    Looking Ahead to New Horizons 




At the end of our 6 weeks together you will:

  • Learn to navigate the emotional rollercoaster and feel balanced and in control.
  • Have the tools to let go of anger, disappointment, and resentment when it surfaces
  • Come to a secure place of acceptance and self-acceptance.
  • Let go of the stress of living up to other people’s expectations
  • Overcome guilt and find joy and meaning in the caregiving role


 All modules include template, and checklists, so you are evolving, learning and growing as you go through this unique personal training. And you can refer back to this training whenever you need. (There will be recordings)

PLUS on every call, there will be Live Q & A coaching time with me. This means you’ll get your personal questions answered in a timely manner. And you’re also able to email your questions to me privately. 

And you have nothing to lose...



It is really important to me that this training is valuable to you. And I'm 100% confident that you're going to love what you learn to move your life forward. So if at the end of our SECOND ZOOM SESSION you feel that this training is not right for you, just let me know and I'll refund your money, no questions asked.

Isn’t it time to bring more joy into your life?